Dubu Xiaoyao - One Step Toward Freedom Episode 32 English Sub

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Synopsis: The vast of the universe produces countless types of life forms. This form of life forms all races and spirits. Although all races and different spirits have different beliefs, the same thing is the hope of Tao. Every soul is the heart of a dusty Taoist. They don’t want to. They became strong and even lasting through the practice of Taoism. Heaven and earth Avenue are like luck for those who are able to stay there. Every road is a path of struggle that is full of obstacles for all races and spirits. The Taoists believed that he had stood at the top of the world, and he could feel free in the future. But later in the day, the Taoists realized that it was difficult to avoid doom. There is a ruler over them, harvesting one era for an era. (Source: Tencent)

Alternative Titles :  One Step Toward Freedom, Dubu Xiaoyao, 独步逍遥

Genre: Actions, Adventure, Romance, Demon,Fantasy, Magic,Supernatural

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